October 22, 2007

Jarring Something Loose

So I've got a teeny tiny, weeny wootie case of writer's block currently rocking my world.

Usually when this happens I just throw my hands up in the air, whistle and read magazines until it goes away.

This weekend I decided to be proactive about it.

The first thing I did was to spend $50 at a craft/hobby store buying construction paper, glitter, colored pencils, sketch pads and fancy scissors that cut zig-zags and wavy lines.

My thinking was that any act of creativity, no matter how small or ridiculous the attempt, might jar something loose.

The second thing I did was read How To Be Creative at Gaping Void.

Gaping Void is possibly one of my favorite websites/blogs on the whole internet machine. It's clever, it's funny and it's much smarter than me. Hugh, the author, spends a lot of time talking about the internet and blogs and marketing and what it all means, and, to be honest, for the most part I have no idea what he's talking about... but, hey, he draws some great cartoons (on the back of business cards), and it makes me feel smarter just for having tried to be so engaged.

Here's to you Hugh MacLeod... and your marvelous blog.

I name you The Awesome Blog Internet Person of October 2007.

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